Security Tips

Security Tips: Parking Lot Safety

Car theft and hijackings has been a major cause for concerns especially with your loved ones, but there are some guidelines that we can use as a car owner that will help make us less likely to be a target for the criminal elements.

Lock your Car 

Car Alarm Install & Repair in Baltimore MD

It is important that we lock our car at all times when the vehicle is not in use. Some people have a fear of their keys being locked in their vehicle by accident, most modern cars have an integrated chip security system which allows the car to be able to detect when the key is in close proximity or not, this feature prevents accidental locking of the car doors. When walking away from your vehicle, you should ensure all doors are locked and windows are all rolled up, ensure that besides visual confirmation -flashing park lights, the audible feature of your alarm is enabled.

Take your keys

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Whenever you walk away from your vehicle it is important that you lock your car and take your keys with you, statistics have shown where many car theft scenarios fall under the area of opportunity crime.
Leaving your keys in the ignition endangers not just your life, but the lives of your family members as well, we sometimes bunch our car keys with your house keys as well.

Hide your stuff

S**t it's a manual': Accused wannabe car thief's epic fail | Chronicle

Leaving valuable items in vehicles creates the temptation for a person to want to enter your vehicle unlawfully. Valuable items should be either left at home in a safe, with you in your possession or in the trunk of your vehicle where it is out of sight from potential intruders.


SHM said...

Locking my keys in my car is a definitive fear of mine. Great tips

Anonymous said...

So true. Great blog!

Unknown said...

Thank. Will remember 👍

Nadira said...

Great advice!