Global Positioning System (GPS)

GPS Meaning - YouTube

GPS ( Global Positioning System ) is currently used in the detection of  vehicle movement and tracking. There are a number of local vehicle tracking firms that use this technology to help ensure customers are aware of the whereabouts around their vehicles. This service is provided at a cost to the car owner for rental of the tracking device and in some cases the vehicle retrieval system.

What's next: Vehicle monitoring devices to make driving safe ...

Most modern GPS Tracking systems offer the user real time data on their phone with the access to the position of their vehicle. Some systems have the ability to shut down the car using an app with a mobile interface option, this can be quite useful in a car jacking scenario where one can ensure they are out of harms way, call for security or police backup and have the vehicle shutdown to limit the time it takes between engagement of the hijackers and police.

How to use GPS to locate things and track people - The Economic Times

GPS Tracking can be quite useful to help track and monitor kids and spouses so you can track their movements for any strange activity that may pose a threat to either themselves or yourself.


SHM said...

Good advise. It is truly a wise idea to get a GPS system for your vehicle.

Anonymous said...

Very good info. I always beleive in having GPS on my vehicle. We live in some dangerous times and I feel much safe with a GPS Tracking system.

Nadira said...

GPS is a necessity in these times. Every car should have this. Great information.