Tyre Maintenance

Paying attention to your tyre, it should be a key component of your vehicle maintenance. Your tyres need to checked on a regular basis to ensure the safety of both yourself and  loved ones. The dry season could be very rough on car tyres, since too much heat could affect the fuel economy, strength and longevity of the vehicle.
Thus, during the dry season, tyres require extra care. Tyres not only hold the car's weight, but also connect the vehicle to the roads and handle road hurdles. Nevertheless tyres are often ignored and overlooked especially when entering the rainy season.
Car tyre maintenance tips for summer

When maintaining your tyres it is important to observe the condition of your tyres, a picture says a thousand words.

The effects of either over pressure or under pressure in tires.

One of the things we sometimes overlook when we perform our checks is - The spare tyre, having a soft or deflated spare tyre, does not serve any purpose when there is demand for a tyre change. Please remember to check and ensure your spare tyre is fully inflated at all times.

Car maintenance tips for the summer | ABS-CBN News


SHM said...

Thanks for the info 👍. Very helpful. I would like to get your views on low profile tyres as opposed to normal tyres please.

Unknown said...

How should tyres be maintained in rainy season?

Joseph said...

Great sharing. Important to also include where a person can find the expiration date of a tire.

Anonymous said...

The graphic is quite useful

Genile said...

This information is new to me. I did not know that the environmental heat affected the function of car tires, now I will have to be making checks to ensure that they are in good order.

Thank for the information will recommend this blog to my other female car owners.

Anonymous said...

Very informative post! I didn't know tires needed this much care.

Unknown said...

Excellent,most would not know about the dry season and tyre care

Nadira said...

Many people take tyre maintenance for granted,including myself. Thank you for sharing this information.

SHM said...

This info is very helpful

Anonymous said...

Good info!

Unknown said...

Yery easy is know with the pictures. Great information !😊👍