Battery Maintenance

These battery maintenance tips will help ensure that every time you are ready to start your vehicle, the vehicle is able to crank. Below 10 tips that you can apply as part of your routine preventative maintenance for your vehicle which will help prolong the life of your battery.

It is important to note that the battery is used for starting the vehicle, during normal driving and once the vehicle has started, the vehicle charging system then regulates the supply charge to keep the battery in the charged state. If your battery is running down prematurely it could be one one of the following things:
  • Faulty Charging System
  • Faulty Battery
  • There is a source of supply that is being left on when the car is switched off that may be draining the power on the battery.

10 Tips To Extend The Battery Life in Your Car | Automotive ....


Unknown said...

Great blog! I have been driving for years but have no experience with maintenance. 👍

Bi-Solar Technologies Limited said...

This is so good i tired pay too much money by mechanics. Jason A.

Unknown said...

So useful. I'm glad I can finally get into this with these easy to do techniques.

Moments With Meelz said...

Excellent blog

Joseph said...


Anonymous said...

Fantastic information

Unknown said...

Very informative and simple layout.The battery maintenance video is not visible from my phone.

Cherisse Madeira said...

Very informative! Thanks!

Candice said...

Simple instructions, easy to follow. Thanks for the information.

Anonymous said...

Great blog I love the 10 Tips given to conserve the battery life.

Unknown said...

Easy to do and very informative! Thanks for the information 😊

SHM said...

Great blog and information. The tips are very helpful. Keep the info coming 👍